taxonomy: New Year’s Noodle

A Toshikoshi soba before the year ends.

🍜 Buckwheat is a resilient crop that can survive the toughest weather, and works as a good luck charm.

🍜 The noodles are easy to break so each bite symbolizes a clean break from the year that has passed.

🍜 Long and thin noodles represent a long, healthy life.

🍜 Flour from the buckwheat was used by goldsmiths to gather leftover gold dust, making it even more auspicious to eat.

A Toshikoshi Soba is also a way to call an unmarried woman over 30: this poor unfortunate soul is compared to the holiday fanfare that loses zest and purpose after December 31.

Maebashi / Amsterdam

Shrimp and vegetable tempura, with leek and seaweed in a dashi broth, and the hope of all it will bring.

Happy new year, wherever you go.

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