A major study called The Making of a Modern Hospital published in the Hospital Journal in 1912 describes the role windows play inside a hospital.
The researchers state that every modern hospital must be built along an axis that lies south-east-north-west, like a slash /, so that its front walls are SW and its back walls NE. They argue that it is of the utmost importance, as this layout lies in the path of the most amount of sunlight in a day.
The oxidation that destroys bacteria happens with both direct and diffused light, making sunlight one of the most powerful disinfectants and deodorizers then known to man.
Windows must be as large as possible, and laterally placed. “Nothing can be more unsuitable for a ward than ‘artistic’ window panes, in which a window consists of a dozen or more small panes in lead frames.”
No window-sills, no dust collecting curtains if possible. “Any hospital ward where the maximum amount of light is not made to cover as many square inches of its floorage cannot be considered up-to-date,” they conclude.
Pics: Amsterdam hospitals, heatwave.
“There is no need to be frightened at too much sun in a hospital.”
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